Wednesday 22 August 2012

Should we celebrate the Valentine's day?

February 14th. Probably one of the much-awaited days in a year. At least, to some of us. The valentine's day. The last valentine's day, I had to take part in a mock group discussion and not surprisingly, the topic was this - the need to celebrate or not to celebrate the Valentine's day.

They say an atheist belongs to the unluckiest of fellows because they would feel thankful, but have no one to thank! But God is not the only one to express your gratitude to. There are others, here in this world, cent percent proven to be corporeal and tangible to whom we can thank. Basically, that is why we celebrate our Birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day etc. We are felicitous for our existence and the elan we exist.


1 ~ Valentine's day, similarly, is a day to thank our lover(s)! After all, we live for love. We yearn, strive, hanker and pant for love! Love is that feeling which makes us audacious and venturesome. Love is that feeling which makes us altruistic, at least to a meager extent. Why not outlay a day out of three hundred and sixty five and celebrate it!?

2 ~ Another question which comes to our mind is "Since when did Indians start to celebrate Valentine's day?". The answer lies in a simple term - Westernization. We never used to celebrate Valentine's day like we do it now. All these frenzy and hysteria which go on during the modern day V day is quite a recent phenom, with respect to the Indian context. We, especially, our youth, tend to imitate the West, as if they are in a "Go West" campaign, in their dressing, living style, music and why? in almost everything they do.

3 ~ The economic aspects of celebrating V-day. Newspapers and other medias complain that the V-Day has become where the Business-factor has taken over from the Love-factor. Cases where Business Barons use their foxiness to exploit the harum-scarum modern day lovers in their pursuit to make riches have become so plebeian.

Solutions !

1 ~ There is absolutely no issues in showing your gratitude to your loved ones. But a vista to be kept in mind is that, let the gratitude, in whatever form, be diamond necklaces, STD calls, Ice creams or even a small hug, go to the deserving people. More than often, this is seldom happening in reality.

2 ~ Westernization has its own pros but it still remains a sin. Go to the nearest shopping mall, or just go to a modern-day school girls' facebook profile, and you can understand how much the concept of Westernization has ruined us. Imitating the West means ignoring the East, which in turn implies, forgetting our values. Western culture is not to be blamed for it. Blame it on the lunatic youth who follow it.

3 ~ Whenever I sit in front of the Television and watch cricket, the first thing my dad tells is "Dhoni will get crores, Sachin will earn millions and Vinayak will only waste 3 hours". Well, this statement has its own value, but with all due respects, the reason I or anybody for that matter, watch cricket is for entertainment. Nothing is as entertaining as Cricket and Music for me!

Similarly, not celebrating Valentine's day just because some random business tycoons are making huge profit out of it, is mere stupidity. All you need to do is to be alert, be cautious and do not be on cloud nine. Act according to the situations and your limitations.

Presenting your loved ones a diamond necklace, a rose flower etc are not the only way to show your love! The value of your gift does not determine the depth of your love. A mere wish, a phone call, a dairy milk may make your day!

At the end of the day, it all depends on how sincere you are with your relationship, on what basis did you start loving someone and continue to do it and what you expect from your loved ones. We do our routine, habitual, mundane work daily and in this hotfoot of upshots, we never really get time to treasure our relationships. If relationship is what you ultimately need and all the above mentioned mundane stuffs are to ultimately build up your relationships, then why not spend a day and celebrate it !? You have only one life! This second which just went by, will never come back! So, don't hesitate! Let's celebrate!! :)

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