Saturday 18 August 2012

A Tribute to Ricky Thomas Ponting ~

He was there sporting his mighty yellow jersey all through the last 17 odd years.  His career is almost as old as me. He remained an australian baddie whenever I saw my team crumbling to his team. He seemed to be like an intransigent naughty kid who held on the World Cup trophy like a toy for 12 long years. During my childhood, if anybody had given me a little knife and a choice to kill a person legally, I would have definitely chosen this man without any dubiety whatsoever. I had to him all these years, what you call in the modern Indian popular term as "Kolaveri". But I did not realize that despite all these Kolaveries, something positive was recrudescing within my psyche towards him bit by bit and step by step - some sort of esteem, deference and honour - probably the justest respect you give to your justest enemy - you know he's estimable but you can't prize him - after all, he is your enemy. Weeks back, obliterated and slaughtered my team again mercilessly and I smiled. Days back, his form dropped. Shortage of runs and plenitude of wrinkles on his forehead, and day before yesterday he was pretermitted. And he did not want to delay it any further. Hours back, he came out and called it a day.

Ricky Thomas Ponting, or Mr.Punter - the only cricketer to whom I had and have immense respect. Everytime he scored a century, made a direct-hit run-out, my subconscious feted. But my conscious always interrupted "Dei...he is an australian...he is your enemy. He should be the most-hated. If he achieves, it is your team who is gonna end up losing..after all, you are an Indian. Aren't you ashamed to cheer for an Aussie?" = and the subconscious was closelipped. 

Ask men who the best cricketing captain ever is - You may incur the names Steve Waugh, Sourav Ganguly and more than them - Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Not denying the illustriousness of all these men, the name Ricky Ponting is always omitted from the list. None would have touched the World Cup or Champions Trophy or the Natwest or the CB Trophy or the Ashes even half times of this man. No captain would have been equally good at both batting and fielding. No captain can ever dream of a long-illustrious-career as a captain like Ricky Ponting's.

Lot of wise men say that Ricky was just the captain of the Best Australian team and when the likes of McGraths and Warnes retired, Ponting demeaned. People also quote the Sydney test match and Ponting's "That's out" gesture and why, even the late Peter Roebuck criticized him calling him arrogant. Let me not be critical to these points. I agree to each one of them and as an Indian or as a neutral cricket viewer, it was indeed shocking to see Ponting degraded like never before during that Sydney test match four years back.

Nevertheless, Australia under Ricky Ponting remains to be the better than Australia under Waugh and Australia under Clarke. He extended his mighty run as the captain even to his last game, by comprehensively beating the World Champions by a margin of more than 100 runs.

A captain must lead by example. And he does exactly the same. During his prime, he scores runs in every single match, and he always gets his throws directly to the stumps. When the captain never misses, will the other players miss? 10,000 runs and 30 centuries with an average of 42+ is more than enough for a captain to be called a great captain.

ICC Player of the Year - 2006,2007
ICC Test Player of the Year - 2003, 2004, 2006
One-Day International Player of the Year - 2002
Allan Border Medal - 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009
Wisden Cricketer of the Year - 2006
Cricinfo Player of the Decade - 2000-09
World Cup Winning Captain - 2003 and 2007.

The most uncompromising player, the most feared batsman and the mightiest captain of his generation. No matter how many negativesyou hoard against him, you got to accept it. I respect him, and I'm sure many of you do.

4344 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.  - Jesus of Nazareth, as recorded in Matthew 5:44 (NIV translation)

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