Wednesday 22 August 2012

Should we celebrate the Valentine's day?

February 14th. Probably one of the much-awaited days in a year. At least, to some of us. The valentine's day. The last valentine's day, I had to take part in a mock group discussion and not surprisingly, the topic was this - the need to celebrate or not to celebrate the Valentine's day.

They say an atheist belongs to the unluckiest of fellows because they would feel thankful, but have no one to thank! But God is not the only one to express your gratitude to. There are others, here in this world, cent percent proven to be corporeal and tangible to whom we can thank. Basically, that is why we celebrate our Birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day etc. We are felicitous for our existence and the elan we exist.


1 ~ Valentine's day, similarly, is a day to thank our lover(s)! After all, we live for love. We yearn, strive, hanker and pant for love! Love is that feeling which makes us audacious and venturesome. Love is that feeling which makes us altruistic, at least to a meager extent. Why not outlay a day out of three hundred and sixty five and celebrate it!?

2 ~ Another question which comes to our mind is "Since when did Indians start to celebrate Valentine's day?". The answer lies in a simple term - Westernization. We never used to celebrate Valentine's day like we do it now. All these frenzy and hysteria which go on during the modern day V day is quite a recent phenom, with respect to the Indian context. We, especially, our youth, tend to imitate the West, as if they are in a "Go West" campaign, in their dressing, living style, music and why? in almost everything they do.

3 ~ The economic aspects of celebrating V-day. Newspapers and other medias complain that the V-Day has become where the Business-factor has taken over from the Love-factor. Cases where Business Barons use their foxiness to exploit the harum-scarum modern day lovers in their pursuit to make riches have become so plebeian.

Solutions !

1 ~ There is absolutely no issues in showing your gratitude to your loved ones. But a vista to be kept in mind is that, let the gratitude, in whatever form, be diamond necklaces, STD calls, Ice creams or even a small hug, go to the deserving people. More than often, this is seldom happening in reality.

2 ~ Westernization has its own pros but it still remains a sin. Go to the nearest shopping mall, or just go to a modern-day school girls' facebook profile, and you can understand how much the concept of Westernization has ruined us. Imitating the West means ignoring the East, which in turn implies, forgetting our values. Western culture is not to be blamed for it. Blame it on the lunatic youth who follow it.

3 ~ Whenever I sit in front of the Television and watch cricket, the first thing my dad tells is "Dhoni will get crores, Sachin will earn millions and Vinayak will only waste 3 hours". Well, this statement has its own value, but with all due respects, the reason I or anybody for that matter, watch cricket is for entertainment. Nothing is as entertaining as Cricket and Music for me!

Similarly, not celebrating Valentine's day just because some random business tycoons are making huge profit out of it, is mere stupidity. All you need to do is to be alert, be cautious and do not be on cloud nine. Act according to the situations and your limitations.

Presenting your loved ones a diamond necklace, a rose flower etc are not the only way to show your love! The value of your gift does not determine the depth of your love. A mere wish, a phone call, a dairy milk may make your day!

At the end of the day, it all depends on how sincere you are with your relationship, on what basis did you start loving someone and continue to do it and what you expect from your loved ones. We do our routine, habitual, mundane work daily and in this hotfoot of upshots, we never really get time to treasure our relationships. If relationship is what you ultimately need and all the above mentioned mundane stuffs are to ultimately build up your relationships, then why not spend a day and celebrate it !? You have only one life! This second which just went by, will never come back! So, don't hesitate! Let's celebrate!! :)

Saturday 18 August 2012

A Tribute to Ricky Thomas Ponting ~

He was there sporting his mighty yellow jersey all through the last 17 odd years.  His career is almost as old as me. He remained an australian baddie whenever I saw my team crumbling to his team. He seemed to be like an intransigent naughty kid who held on the World Cup trophy like a toy for 12 long years. During my childhood, if anybody had given me a little knife and a choice to kill a person legally, I would have definitely chosen this man without any dubiety whatsoever. I had to him all these years, what you call in the modern Indian popular term as "Kolaveri". But I did not realize that despite all these Kolaveries, something positive was recrudescing within my psyche towards him bit by bit and step by step - some sort of esteem, deference and honour - probably the justest respect you give to your justest enemy - you know he's estimable but you can't prize him - after all, he is your enemy. Weeks back, obliterated and slaughtered my team again mercilessly and I smiled. Days back, his form dropped. Shortage of runs and plenitude of wrinkles on his forehead, and day before yesterday he was pretermitted. And he did not want to delay it any further. Hours back, he came out and called it a day.

Ricky Thomas Ponting, or Mr.Punter - the only cricketer to whom I had and have immense respect. Everytime he scored a century, made a direct-hit run-out, my subconscious feted. But my conscious always interrupted "Dei...he is an australian...he is your enemy. He should be the most-hated. If he achieves, it is your team who is gonna end up losing..after all, you are an Indian. Aren't you ashamed to cheer for an Aussie?" = and the subconscious was closelipped. 

Ask men who the best cricketing captain ever is - You may incur the names Steve Waugh, Sourav Ganguly and more than them - Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Not denying the illustriousness of all these men, the name Ricky Ponting is always omitted from the list. None would have touched the World Cup or Champions Trophy or the Natwest or the CB Trophy or the Ashes even half times of this man. No captain would have been equally good at both batting and fielding. No captain can ever dream of a long-illustrious-career as a captain like Ricky Ponting's.

Lot of wise men say that Ricky was just the captain of the Best Australian team and when the likes of McGraths and Warnes retired, Ponting demeaned. People also quote the Sydney test match and Ponting's "That's out" gesture and why, even the late Peter Roebuck criticized him calling him arrogant. Let me not be critical to these points. I agree to each one of them and as an Indian or as a neutral cricket viewer, it was indeed shocking to see Ponting degraded like never before during that Sydney test match four years back.

Nevertheless, Australia under Ricky Ponting remains to be the better than Australia under Waugh and Australia under Clarke. He extended his mighty run as the captain even to his last game, by comprehensively beating the World Champions by a margin of more than 100 runs.

A captain must lead by example. And he does exactly the same. During his prime, he scores runs in every single match, and he always gets his throws directly to the stumps. When the captain never misses, will the other players miss? 10,000 runs and 30 centuries with an average of 42+ is more than enough for a captain to be called a great captain.

ICC Player of the Year - 2006,2007
ICC Test Player of the Year - 2003, 2004, 2006
One-Day International Player of the Year - 2002
Allan Border Medal - 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009
Wisden Cricketer of the Year - 2006
Cricinfo Player of the Decade - 2000-09
World Cup Winning Captain - 2003 and 2007.

The most uncompromising player, the most feared batsman and the mightiest captain of his generation. No matter how many negativesyou hoard against him, you got to accept it. I respect him, and I'm sure many of you do.

4344 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.  - Jesus of Nazareth, as recorded in Matthew 5:44 (NIV translation)

The Artist ~ Silence Is Golden! ~ A Short Vinayksified Review

The day which was yesterday had a lot in it. Ginormous entertainment in college, the public assassination of Lasith Malinga, an amazing debate cum dinner with my friend Abel. But the real highlight was me getting to know the Oscar results of The Artist early in the morning and getting to watch it the very same day, late in the night.

After a long-ho-hum-irksome day, going to watch an award movie, that too black and white, that toooo silent - I thought the A/C at Sathyam Cinemas will seduce me to sleep even before the movie starts. But the unthought-of happened. Not only did I not sleep, but I treasured every single moment of the Artist experience.

Here in my review, I am not going to moot about whether it deserved the Oscar or it didn't. There is no point in doing that because (i) it has already received the Oscar and it's done and (ii) I have not watched the other-nominated movies :p So what I am intending to do it is a re-cap, a re-living of my pleasant tuesday-night experience in the Six Degrees. In fact, the lesser you talk about it, the more beautiful it gets.

The Artist tells us the story of a silent-movie hero, and his junctures and quandaries when the talking-tech-movies start replacing the silent ones and in effect, replacing even him. Jean Dujardain does the role so toppingly that one flabbergasts whether he is really acting or pretending. His silence peaches. His expressions peach. His mere looks tattle. Why? The Oscar which will be on his showcase right now speaks. 

But more than Dujardain, this movie is a director's pride. The concept of the story might seem novel, but the story in itself is ordinary. In simple terms, the story can be called in two words as ego-killing, or probably false ego killing. We have seen that towards the end in My Fair Lady and so many other movies. But what makes the Artist a classic is, the direction. Nothing else.

Why, this movie could have been done as a normal movie. Why silent? This movie could have been a color-movie. Why black and white? The director gleams from his basics, with every step towards the perfection, with every step a footmark in the making of a classic.

The scene where Miller hugs Valentin's suit, the scene where a flaccid feather falls lightly and ends up as a blast, each and every scene of Uggy the dog, the Bang! scene at the end, the nightmare of Valentine and....WAIT! Why am I telling all these!! No point reading this unless you watch the movie!!

As I said, the less you speak about it, the more beautiful it gets. Nevertheless, the movie has in it some bittersweet scenes, fantabulous humour and everything you expect from a classic. The success of the movie lies when each and every viewer start empathizing for Valentin. The laugh when Valentine laughs, they cry when Valentin cries and they dance within, when Valentin dances. And how this movie transforms itself from a silent-movie to a talking one in the climax was speechless. The quote "Winners do not do different things, they do the same things differently" gets exemplified here.

Anyways, hats off to Michel Hazanavicius. Any aspiring director or budding cameraman must take the Artist as their Bible.Got to mention here about Uggy the dog - I have never seen a mesmerizing a pet like it till date in any movie. I wish there was an Academy Award for the Best Animactor :D

Silence is the speech of love, the music of the spheres above.! 

Highly Recommended !

Countersquash 2 : Olympics : Keeping Pace, Paes, and Peace with Bhupathi

London Olympics 2012. India's best outing. 6 medals in the scoop.We held our heads high watching the closing ceremony.

Vijay Kumar , Sushil Kumar, Mery Kom, Saina Nehwal, Yogeshwar and Gagan Narang.

Abhinav Bindra's gun backfired. Deepika Kumari's hopes were washed away with the rain. The hockey team helped their opponents hold their heads high. The weight lifters could not lift the medals. All these were fulminant jounces on our so called best Olympic journey. We expected medals, we didn't get them.

But that is not the case with the topic going to be squashed back here. There was an event where we had those stars who could get us definite medallions but nobody expected them to. Tennis.

Leander Paes. Mahesh Bhupathi. Rohan Bopanna. Vishnu Vardhan.

Permutations and combinations and combinations and permutations. And finally, the wrong permutation and combination.

Mahesh Bhupathi and Leander Paes are a nightmare pair for any opponent they encounter. They, as we know are like seasons. They unite, they 'break-up', they reunite and then they break-up again. Only difference is, when the much-needed time comes, when it matters, they are in two different poles.

Bhupathi wasn't willing to be paired with Paes as he wasn't 'comfortable' with Paes and he thought Paes is a self-centered person. Oh yes, we know Mahesh Bhupathi is an honorable man. Lara Dutta married him ! But this time around, Leander Paes was willing to be paired with anybody. He was willing to be paired with Bhupathi particularly. On the contrary, Bhupathi calls him a self-centered person and of course, who told Bhupathi isn't an honorable man?

The Indian Tennis Association had many choices. To pair Paes with Bhupathi and send them, that is, choosing the best alternative. The best pair they could possibly choose. The second choice was to send two teams - Bhupathi to be paired with Rohan Bopanna (who too, apparently did not want to be paired with Paes) and then finding some random fellow as Paes's partner and weave another team.

That was in fact the 'logical' argument put forth by Bhupathi. Why send just one team when you have the option of sending two?? And the science called mathematics will stand up and say that two teams have more 'probability' of winning medals than one team. Sounds very much logical, doesn't it?

A parent with a kid scoring 100 marks in every exam and a parent with his two kids scoring 60 marks each every exam. Which parent will be happier?

Leander Paes is undoubtedly the best contemporary Indian tennis player. Insult, it was, what Bhupathi did by taking it personally on and attacking Paes in public with the media.

Next comes the question of your personal interest v/s your national interest. Bhupathi cannot play with Paes. Why? - Personal reasons. Nation wants to see Paes and Bhupathi paired. Why? - National reasons. Mahesh Bhupathi the tennis player comes before Mahesh Bhupathi the friend. That is professionalism. Leander Paes was willing to play with Bhupathi as he prioritized the medal winning hopes of his nation above his personal preferences. Yet, somebody calls Paes a 'self-centered' person, and yes, an honorable man he is.

I remember Paes winning an Olympic medal. If my memory supports my statement, he was standing close to a legend like Andre Agassi. He fought against fierce opponents, personal prejudices, ruthless critics, his own disease - we all know that. Paes is a fighter. Watch Paes playing individual tennis and watch Paes playing representing our nation. The difference is clearly felt. Any Bhupathi is obliged to play with him if the nation asks him to. Else, quit the game!

What we witnessed afterwards was a terrible, hapless, piteous scene of a committee succumbing to the pressure exerted by a player. If committee was to dance salsa for Bhupathi's pop, why was the committee even instituted?

Bhupathi undoubtedly is a great player. No denying there must be some truth in what he says. But then too, if you are playing for your country you are supposed to flex yourself.

The real countersquash to Bhupathi and Bopanna actually happened on filed, on the tennis court. Both the pairs fell in the second round. But Paes and Vishnuvardhan's exit was not a shameful one as the other pairs'. They fought like champions , fought against top-seeded frenchmen and earned each others' respect and the nation's respect. Now, this was a counter-smash!

To pack them all in a small nutshell, the series of shameful incidents prior to the Olympics was a litmus test to find out who the real 'self-centered' person is and what happens when the answerable committees fail and what result you manufacture when you mix tea with salt and curry with sugar.